Forum for Physical development (FPD) founded in 2009, is an association which has started its journey to represent the ideas and suggestions of professionals in the various fields of Physical development. This Organization is a voluntary, non-profitable, non-political, non-Government platform for professionals for research and development. It aims at developing the socio-economic, cultural and technical capacity of the society ensuring good governance through advocacy.
It serves people by arranging round table conferences, seminars as well as researches on various development issues to know the thought of professionals.In our country, suggestion of specialists and professionals for any kind of development activities are grossly ignored at the implementation level. Most of the times these decision are not taken by the experts of that field. We can avoid many problems if we know their opinion in time. FPD is working to collect the valuable suggestions and thoughts of different professional and expert in order to use their knowledge and experiences for any development purpose of our country.